Below are some of the foods that could make a person look much younger than his or her age, if eaten especially when someone is getting to advance age in life. It is also advisable you meet a nutritionist or a dietician for more expert and medical advice on how these foods could help you cut down aging and wrinkling of your skin.
1. Lettuce
Lettuce is often added to vegetable delicacies. It contains the element iron which is needed during aerobic respiration. Iron is found in haemoglobin which reacts with oxygen to give oxy-haemoglobin, which acts as anti-free radicals. Lettuce is known as fresh breath freshener. This is because, it helps to prevent halitosis. Halitosis is known as bad breath.
2. Guavas
Some people stay away from eating guavas just because of their seeds. These set of people believe the seeds of guavas are one of the reasons for appendicitis. However, this not so. The cause of appendicitis is something else. It is advisable someone grinds the seeds very well when guava is being eaten. Guavas are called free radical fighters, because of their anti-aging properties
3. Spinach
Apart from the rejuvenating qualities of spinach, it helps to magnify the muscles.
4. Chocolate milk known as ideal recovery drink
5. Peanut butter
Known as post-exercise snack
6. Water melon
8. Black beans
Known as cancer fighter
9. Green tea extract
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