Wednesday 27 July 2016

Should I End a Perfectly Good Relationship Because the Sex Is Bad?

I'm 25 and have been with my boyfriend, a perfect gentleman, for two years. In the beginning...

everything seemed wonderful, and things are still great except for the sex. We just can't get it right these days. Either we have sex and it ends in disaster (over too quickly) or we make no attempts to do it at all. I mean, he tries to make "moves," but I usually reject him because I'm no longer turned on (mainly because I know how fast it will be over). I can count on a few fingers the times I've had an orgasm with him in this two-year relationship! Aside from the sex, we're pretty fabulous together. He wants me to be happy, but I'm starting to feel desperate. We plan to marry next year! —Pleased, but Not Satisfied

This letter is from the E. Jean archive.

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